Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Health Club Owners Bait the Baby Boomers

Ever thought of earning money in a sector with a massive market demand, unique growth potential and giant earnings possibilities? How would you like to position yourself strategically and take advantage of one of the biggest trends in the history of mankind? Look no further. This book will reveal to you how the HEALTH and WELLNESS industry holds the key to any budding entrepreneur on how to make a profit on a rising trend.

Note :
Remember health club marketing is more than just direct mail and lead boxes. You must go after the right purchasers for your health club and market to them. Gymnasiums that try and be everything to everybody end up being nobodies to everyone. Fitness promoting is health club marketing companies main goal.
Now, think back :

What trends were the hottest at their time?

' The Microwave
' The VCR
' The computers and the web

What next?

Imagine if you were there and you started it. Or what if Bill Gates was to form Microsoft at the start and was trying to find stockholders and speculators, what would you be doing?

Would you be telling your grandchildren how you cashed in and made a fortune? Or would you tell them how missed it and how other people are making theirs?

In this book you'll learn all about how

' Baby-boomers in America modified the markets in the world forever
' What are this up-trends and downtrends yesterday, today and tomorrow
' What a multi-billion dollar demand will look like in a few years time
' How network marketing companies are cashing in on the wave
' How YOU or Anyone can tap into this market and make a fortune!

Read on to unlock the secret

Who Are The Baby Boomers?

The expansion of an irresistible Market

This is the definition of the baby boomers from Wikipedia.

A Baby boomer is someone who was born in a period of increased birth rates, or Baby boom, and the term is especially applied to those born during the post-World War II period of increased birth rates. In the US, the term is iconic and more correctly capitalized as Baby Boomers.

These folk are significant in the formation of a new economy of supply in demand. Never in the history of man, has the baby boomers generation sparked such a huge market gap to be filled.

We all heard of first mover's advantage, where the pioneer of a new market has considerable advantages . If successful, his market dominance gives him a considerable advantage compared to the others who come in later and try to differentiate themselves either on price or service rather than creativity. Similarly, market dominance allows one to set the barriers of entry or the standard of quality.

Note :
Remember health club marketing is more than only direct mail and lead boxes. You want to go after the right buyers for your fitness club and market to them. Gymnasiums that try to be everything to everybody end up being nobodies to everyone. Fitness marketing is health club marketing companies main goal.

Now, think back :

Back to the example of Bill Gates :

If you were to possess a huge portion of Microsoft shares during its inception, where would you be today? Of course not each one of us will be in a position to proudly proclaim that I was there when it started. Most people failed to identify the trend and come in when it is too late!

The same would also apply to big name corporations like Yahoo! And Google.

It is no point trying to get into a saturated market. There'll be too much barriers of entries and competitive forces in the market. What we need to do is identify the wants of the market BEFORE it saturates or even better, before it starts.

We are able to set the trend instead of following one!

The baby boomers are the main key to this role due to their buying power as well as their sheer numbers. Big numbers will be the key because the first movers, who position themselves strategically, will sell product after product to a hungry market and have his or her finance position secured for years.

In the next chapter, we will explore where these baby boomers come from and the way to forecast their demands from a historical perspective.

When Did It Happen?

The baby boomers applied to people who are born after the Second World War and before the Vietnam War, thus possibly comprising more than one generation.

the majority ruminate that year will be around 1946 to 1964 but the exact year is tough to establish because it might alter from place to place.

These boomers inside that time frame is significant to predicting the market demand and the timing as well .

Note :
Remember health club marketing is more than simply direct mail and lead boxes. You must go after the right customers for your fitness club and market to them. Gymnasiums that try to be everything to everybody end up being nobodies to everybody. Fitness promoting is health club marketing companies main goal.

Now, think back :

We are estimating that there are approximately 76 million Yank children born between 1945 and 1964. Boomers account for approximately 39 percent of northern Americans over the age of 18 and twenty-nine % of the total population. They can single Handel establish tomorrow's hottest products which suggests they can start and destroy trends.

As an example, the baby boomers are also responsible for starting and finishing the property boom.

When the boomers were all grown up, they needed houses to live in. Developments went into full swing.

Steve Gillon has advised in his analysis is this :

The one thing that sets the baby boomers apart from other generational groups is the proven fact that'almost from the time they were conceived, Boomers were dissected, researched, and pitched to by modern marketers, who buttressed a sense of generational distinctiveness.

With such large market potential and purchasing power, we can use history to predict and teach us what the newest trend is due to these baby boomers.

The baby boomers were the first generation of Earth to be raised on pop culture and TV. The culture at that time is more hedonistic in comparison to the past.

Music that drove their fogeys crazy became their purpose in life. This explains the remarkable fame of legends like Elvis and The Beatles ( Who in reality till today, remains more popular than most one-hit wonder pop groups or modern icons ) enormous names like Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Led Zeppelin defined the voice of that generation.

In other words, they set the standard to what's 'hot' and what's not!

The boomers were living in a time where Music appeared to have a more influential power compared to weapons of mass elimination. In the past, people would think you were silly if you worn torn clothing or inverted garments. Folks at that time were not as hard up as today if they were to miss the most recent picture or driving the latest vehicle in the town.

in other words, purchasing power and market demand were not as trend delicate in the past compared as today.

If I were to target the boomer market, what would I be focusing on? Cosmetics and beauty appear to be making a fortune today. A slimming ad would cost many thousands of greenbacks and newspapers and mags publish this on a DAILY basis.

Gymnasiums and fitness gear are also a hot market. You would not imagine somebody in the 19th century invent something like a gym. The people there would be too busy plowing fields or working in a factory ( and they might get all the exercise they need ). The boomers have a relative easier life and are able to focus more on those pleasures above.

Note :
Remember health club marketing is more than just direct mail and lead boxes. You must go after the right shoppers for your well-being club and market to them. Gyms that try to be everything to everybody end up being nobodies to everybody. Fitness marketing is health club marketing companies main goal.

So where does the health and wellness industry come in?

Check back to find out....

In the next post here at site, we will analyze the trends of these baby boomers and examine their buying power in the health and wellness market.

We also post to Fitness Promotion Geared for Baby Boomers
Athletic Club Marketing
4 Ways to get more gym members


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